P4S is an accuracy level of Germany's DIN standard widely adopted in various high performance equipment such as machine tools due to good accuracy and availability.

JTEKT has pursued the bounds of runout accuracy upon bearing rotation so that we may meet the demand for higher accuracy that has emerged in recent years.

We offer two grades of PRECILENCE; a P4S-level model which maintains P2-level rotating accuracy while refining I.D./O.D. tolerance, and a P2-level model further refining tolerance from ISO P2.


Sentiment toward PRECILENCE

JTEKT asked our diverse customers specializing in machine tool manufacturing and a range of other industries, what types of challenges and troubles they face, and what future needs they foresee.

From this, we learnt that our customers' greatest need was for a high accuracy product exceeding the P4S accuracy level of the DIN standard.
We formed a team and benchmarked companies around the world in regards to product design, production engineering, and quality assurance technology for every stage from materials to completed product.
After multiple prototypes and evaluations, we built a product that brings our customers joy.

In April 2020, the new plant was completed, and mass production begun.

PRECILENCE CARE (spindle support case study)

Want to respond to the passionate will of designers.

PRECILENCE supports a spindle throughout its entire lifecycle with thorough care at every phase, from design to after-sale service.
